Sažetak | Zadatak ovog završnog rada bio je odrediti organoleptički pregled svježeg i odmrznutog junećeg, svinjskog, pilećeg, purećeg i goveđeg mesa, količinu vode sušenjem, pH mesa te sposobnost vezanja vode metodom kompresije po Gra-u i Hamm-u. Svaka vrsta mesa odlikuje se odgovarajućom građom, izgledom, konzistencijom, bojom, mirisom i okusom. Udio vode u mesu, kao i udio ostalih sastojaka, varira u ovisnosti od vrste mesa, a unutar iste vrste od kategorije mesa, od starosti i stupanja uhranjenosti stoke za klanje. Mjerenje pH vrijednosti vrlo je važno za održavanje kvalitete mesa. pH vrijednost hrane ima izravan utjecaj na rast mikroorganizama, a time i na kvalitetu i sigurnost hrane te je pH vrijednost od velike važnosti u proizvodnji mesa i proizvoda od mesa. Povećani pH mesa nastaje uslijed autolize i bakterijskog razlaganja mesa i ukazuje na njegovu neispravnost. Sposobnost zadržavanja vode je glavna tehnološka karakteristika mesa koja se rabi pri obradi kobasica i proizvoda dimljenih vrućim dimom. Prema rezultatima organoleptičkog pregleda boje, mirisa i konzistencije utvrđeno je da se meso može deklarirati kao svježe. Određivanjem pH vrijednosti svježeg mesa utvrđeno je da su svinjetina, junetina, puretina i piletina relativno svježe, i mogu se koristiti isključivo za preradu, dok govedina prema rezultatima nije bila svježa i kao takva nije pogodna za daljnju preradu. Udio vode u ispitivanim vrstama mesa kreće se u granicama od 65 % do 75 %. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The task of this final work was to determine the organoleptic examination of fresh and thawed beef, pork, chicken, turkey and beef, the amount of water by drying, pH of meat, and the ability to bind water by Gra and Hamm compression method. Each type of meat is characterized by the appropriate structure, appearance, consistency, color, smell, and taste. The proportion of water in the meat, as well as the proportion of other ingredients, varies depending on the type of meat, and within the same species from the category of meat, the age and degree of nutrition of cattle for slaughter. Measuring pH is very important for maintaining meat quality. The pH value of food has a direct impact on the growth of microorganisms, and thus on the quality and safety of food, and the pH value is of great importance in the production of meat and meat products. Increased pH of meat occurs due to autolysis and bacterial decomposition of meat and indicates its malfunction. The ability to retain water is the main technological characteristic of meat used in the processing of sausages and products smoked with hot smoke. According to the results of the organoleptic examination of colors, smells, and consistencies, they determine that the meat can be declared as fresh. By determining the pH value of fresh meat, it was found that pork, beef, turkey, and chicken are relatively fresh, can be used exclusively for processing, while beef according to the results was not fresh and as such was not suitable for further processing. The share of water in the testing of meat types ranges from 65% to 75% |