Author Martin Štimac
Mentor Berislav Andrlić (mentor)
Committee member Anton Devčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Berislav Andrlić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Šostar (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytehnic in Pozega Požega
Defense date and country 2021-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Od samih začetaka različitih oblika oglašavanja, masovni mediji načinili su najveći preokret početkom 20. stoljeća. Svijet bez masovnih medija u modernom dobu 21. stoljeća čini se nezamislivim. Stvoreni znanjem i umijećem čovjeka, postali su neizostavni dio modernoga društva, oblik poslovanja, vođenje evidencija i analiza te dio suvremene potrebe odnosa s javnošću. Suvremeni oblik oglašavanja putem masovnih medija otkrio je novu dimenziju prepoznatljivosti novih, ali i starih poznatih
... More tvrtki, poslovnica, brendova, kao i trendova u svijetu. Ovaj rad sastoji se od devet naslovljenih poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju govorimo o samoj svrsi završnoga rada kao i predmetu i cilju koji su okvir teme. Drugo poglavlje svjedoči o rasprostranjenosti medija, masovnih medija i oblicima oglašavanja. Nakon uvoda i značaja masovnih medija i njihovih oblika, osvrt iduće točke rada je na prošlost medija i prvim značajnim oblicima oglašavanja, tj. načinu na koji su izrealizirane reklamne kampanje i njihova efektivnost. I u nastavku u sljedećem poglavlju proći ćemo kroz uspješne i manje uspješne reklamne kampanje u Republici Hrvatskoj u začetcima 20. stoljeća. Aktualni oblik oglašavanja putem virtualnih mreža iduće je poglavlje koje govori o ozbiljnoj zastupljenosti oglasa na internetu, njihovoj zastupljenosti, svrsi i navikama u suvremenom svijetu. Virtualne platforme su iduća točka koja govori o korištenju i prednostima raznih platformi poput Instagrama, Facebooka i Twittera i njihovim laganim, kratkim, ali efektivnim načinima stjecanja pozornosti od strane korisnika, kao i njihovih administratora. Nakon virtualnih platformi, u sedmom se poglavlju spominje kohezija između oglašavanja i reklamiranja prehrambenih dijetalnih i zdravih proizvoda putem Facebook platforme, točnije istoimene društvene mreže. Vezano uz to, osvrnut ću se na stari poznati brand Kraša „Životinjsko carstvo“, kao primjer starog oblika oglašavanja i njegovu učinkovitost na prodaju. Nakon primjene oglašavanja rezultatima ankete će se prikazati rezultati istraživanja, stavovi ispitanika te učestalost gledanja reklamnih poruka kupaca na primjeru praćenja reklama prehrambenih zdravih proizvoda te zainteresiranost gledatelja za isto. Less
Abstract (english) From the beginnings of the advertising form, the mass media made the greatest turnaround at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is impossible to imagine today's modern age, the twenty-first century, without a world without mass media. Created by human knowledge and skill, mass media have become an indispensable part of modern society, a form of business, record keeping, and analysis, and they have become part of today's need for public relations. Today's form of advertising
... More through the mass media has opened up a new dimension of awareness of new and old well-known companies, subsidiaries, industries, brands and trends in the world. This paper consists of 9 chapters with different titles. The first chapter deals with the actual purpose of the thesis as well as the topic and objective that frame the topic. The second chapter deals with the dissemination of media, mass media and forms of advertising. After the introduction and importance of mass media itself and its forms, the next point of the thesis is about the past of media and the first significant forms of advertising. The way in which advertising campaigns were carried out and their effectiveness for the continuation of the whole are discussed in the fourth chapter, based on successful and less successful advertising campaigns in the Republic of Croatia at the beginning of the 20th century. The modern form of advertising through virtual networks is the next chapter, which deals with the serious presentation of advertising on the Internet, its presentation and its purpose and habit in the modern world. Virtual platforms are the next point of continuation, which deals with the use and advantages of different platforms such as (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) and their simple, concise, but effective way of attracting the attention of users and their administrators. After the virtual platforms, the seventh chapter mentions the relationship between advertising and promotion of dietary and healthy products through Facebook platform i.e. social network. In addition, a review of the old known brand „Kraš“; "Životinjsko carstvo" is touched upon as a review of the old form of advertising and its sales effectiveness. Following the application of advertising will be a survey based on the respondents the frequency of viewing advertising by customers on the example of watching advertisements for healthy food products and the interest of viewers as well. Less
povijest masovnih medija
Keywords (english)
history of mass media
survey of respondents
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:112:709625
Study programme Title: Professional study of Commerce Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-09-28 07:15:11