Author Mihaela Podgorac
Mentor Karolina Štefanac (mentor)
Committee member Berislav Andrlić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Karolina Štefanac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Svjetlana Letinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytehnic in Pozega Požega
Defense date and country 2021-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U trgovinskom poslovanju uvriježeno je pravilo da bez marketinga nema kupaca, a bez
kupaca nema prodaje. Stoga se i potreba za razvojem marketinga javila kao rezultat razvoja
potrošačkog društva. Svjedoci smo da je suvremeno poslovno okruženje obilježeno
intenzivnim i čestim promjenama koja pred kompanije stavljaju nove izazove. Takvo
okruženje zahtjeva i kreiranje marketinških instrumenata kojima će se poduzeća na optimalan
način prilagoditi zahtjevima i karakteristikama ciljnog tržišta.
Marketinški splet u trgovini proces je kreiranja i posredovanja u sustavnoj interakciji
trgovinskih poduzeća sa svojim kupcima. U vrijeme dominacije proizvodnih djelatnosti
utemeljen je standardni koncept marketing miksa – 4P kojega čine: proizvod, cijena,
promocija i distribucija. U suvremenim uvjetima primjene marketinga i orijentacije trgovaca
na tržište, sve više se koristi 7P model, koji uz prethodno navedena četiri elementa, u obzir
uzima i ljude, procese pružanja usluga i fizičko okruženje za ostvarenje zadovoljstva i
vjernosti krajnjih potrošača.
Integriranom marketinškom komunikacijom (IMK) trgovinska poduzeća nastoje
optimizirati svoje komunikacijske elemente u cilju maksimiziranja komunikacijskih učinaka s
potrošačima. Razvoj informacijsko - komunikacijskih tehnologija doveo je i do uporabe
novih, suvremenih načina provođenja interaktivnog marketinga i stvaranja dodanih vrijednosti
kupcima. Posredstvom suvremenih instrumenata marketinga, trgovinska poduzeća mogu
danas uspješno segmentirati tržište i targetirati svoj ciljani segment.
Cilj završnog rada je prikazati i analizirati instrumente marketinškog spleta u
suvremenom trgovinskom poslovanju. Primaran izvor podataka prilikom izrade završnog rada
je online anketa koja je provedena sa svrhom ispitivanja stavova kupaca trgovinskih poduzeća
„Lidl“ i „Plodine“. Kao sekundarni izvor korišteni su udžbenici te znanstveni i stručni radovi
koji su navedeni u popisu literature.
Na osnovu teorijske obrade teme i prikupljanjem informacija izravno sa tržišta, može
se zaključiti da suvremeno poslovno okruženje karakteriziraju jake i česte promjene koje
stvaraju nove izazove za trgovinska poduzeća, a za dugoročan opstanak i uspjeh traže i
suvremena marketinška rješenja.
Abstract (english) In the trade business, the established rule is that without marketing there are no
customers, and without customers there are no sales. Therefore, the need for marketing
development arose as a result of the development of consumer society. We are witnessing that
the modern business environment is marked by intense and frequent changes that pose new
challenges to companies. Such an environment also requires the creation of marketing
instruments which will optimally adapt companies to the requirements and characteristics of
the target market.
Marketing mix in commerce is the process of creating and mediating in systematic
interaction of trading companies with their customers. During the dominance of
manufacturing activities, the standard concept of marketing mix was established - 4P, which
consists of: product, price, promotion and distribution. In modern conditions of marketing and
market orientation of traders, 7P model is increasingly being used, which in addition to the
above four elements, takes into account people, service processes and the physical
environment for achieving satisfaction and loyalty of end consumers.
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) trading companies seek to optimize their
communication elements with the goal of maximizing communication effects with consumers.
The development of information and communication technologies has led to the use of new,
modern ways of conducting interactive marketing and creating added value for customers.
Through modern marketing instruments, trading companies today can successfully segment
the market and target their target segment.
The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the instruments of the marketing mix in
modern trade business. The primary source of data in the preparation of this paper is an online
survey conducted to examine the attitudes of customers of trade companies "Lidl" and
"Plodine". As a secondary source of data, textbooks and scientific and professional papers
listed in the bibliography were used.
Based on the theoretical processing of the topic and gathering information directly
from the market, it can be concluded that the modern business environment is characterized
by strong and frequent changes that create new challenges for trading companies, long-term
survival and success seek modern marketing solutions.
marketinški splet
integrirana marketinška komunikacija
programi vjernosti
internet oglašavanje
Keywords (english)
Marketing mix
integrated marketing communication
loyalty programs
internet advertising
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:112:789798
Study programme Title: Professional study of Commerce Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-08 11:33:58