Author Rahela Ivanešić
Mentor Mirjana Jeleč Raguž (mentor)
Committee member Katarina Štavlić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Jeleč Raguž (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Svjetlana Letinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytehnic in Pozega (Social department) Požega
Defense date and country 2020-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Tema ovog rada je analiza makrookoline na primjeru poduzeća. Na primjeru poduzeća Ledo detaljno je obrađena analiza makrookoline. U teorijskom dijelu se definirala okolina koja može biti opća okolina ili makrookolina i poslovna okolina. U radu su opisane obje okoline. Poslovnu okolinu poduzeća čine dobavljači, kupci, marketinški posrednici, konkurencija i javnost, dok se makrookolina poduzeća sastoji od ekonomske, tehnološke, društvene, kulturne, političke, demografske, pravne i međunarodne
... More okoline. Definirani su i nabrojani osnovni makroekonomski pokazatelji koji su kasnije analizirani na primjeru Hrvatske do 2019. godine. U drugom, praktičnom dijelu rada analizirana je i makrookolina poduzeća Ledo te je napravljena PEST analiza koja se sastoji od četiri okoline: političko-pravne, ekonomske, socio- kulturne i tehnološke okoline. Kroz tablicu je prikazana PESTEL analiza makrookoline poduzeća Ledo koja ukazuje na prilike i prijetnje pojedinih čimbenika okoline. Vrlo je važno analizirati utjecaje okoline na poduzeće. Osnovni cilj ovoga rada je analizirati pojedine čimbenike okoline na primjeru odabranoga poduzeća Ledo, a to je analizirano putem PESTEL modela koji je jedan od modela za analizu makrookoline. Analiza makrookoline je potrebna kako bi poduzeće odredilo sadašnje i buduće pozitivne i negativne trendove. Rezultatima istraživanja utvrđeno je da okolina ima pozitivan utjecaj na poduzeće Ledo budući da samo poduzeće ima više prilika nego prijetnji. Less
Abstract (english) The theme of this work is the analysis of micro surroundings on the example of an enterprise. The analysis of micro surroundings is elaborated in details on the example of Ledo enterprise. In the theoretical part the term surrounding is defined, which can be general surrounding or micro surrounding and business surrounding. In this work both surroundings are described. Business surrounding of an enterprise consists of suppliers, buyers, marketing mediators, competition and public, while
... More micro surrounding consists of economic, technological, social, cultural, political, demographical, legal and international surrounding. Basic micro economic indicators are defined and enlisted which are later analyzed on the example of Croatia until 2019. In other, practical part of this work, micro surrounding of Ledo enterprise is analyzed and PEST analysis is made, and which consists of 4 surroundings: political- legal, economical, socio- cultural and technological surroundings. PESTEL analysis of micro surrounding of Ledo enterprise is shown with a table and which indicates opportunities and threats of individual factors of surroundings. It is very important to analyze the influence of surrounding to an enterprise. The main goal of this work is to analyze individual factors of surroundings on the example of chosen Ledo enterprise, and that is analyzed through PESTEL model which is one of the models for micro surrounding analysis. The analysis of micro surroundings necessary for an enterprise so that it can define current and future positive and negative trends. With the results of this research it is established that the surrounding has a positive effect on Ledo enterprise as the enterprise itself has more opportunities than threats. Less
analiza makrookoline
makroekonomski pokazatelji
PESTEL analiza
Ledo d.d.
Keywords (english)
micro surrounding analysis
macroeconomic indicators
PESTEL analysis
Ledo d.d.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:112:720078
Study programme Title: Professional study of Accounting Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-06-15 08:04:00