Author | Josip Pećina |
Mentor | Katarina Potnik Galić (mentor) |
Committee member | Katarina Štavlić (predsjednik povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Katarina Potnik Galić (član povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Mario Župan (član povjerenstva) |
Granter | Polytehnic in Pozega Požega |
Defense date and country | 2019-09-13, Croatia |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics |
Abstract | Planiranje poslovanja organiziran je i logičan odabir bitnih podataka o ciljanom pothvatu, te njihovo uređenje i analiza s ciljem minimiziranja pogrešaka. Poslovni plan vrlo je važan, jer na jednom mjestu sadrži i ističe sve bitne sastavnice poslovnog pothvata. Ovaj rad podijeljen je u dva dijela. U prvom, teorijskom, dijelu obrađuju se i pojašnjavaju ključni pojmovi poput: Poslovni plan, Planiranje, Investicijski projekt, Ekonomsko – financijska analiza i dr.. U drugom, praktičnom, dijelu izrađuje se, analizira i procjenjuje isplativost poslovnoga plana na konkretnom primjeru poduzeća Cherry d.o.o. Budući da se sve veći broj ljudi okreće zdravom načinu života i da je sve veća potražnja za zdravim proizvodima, investitor i vlasnik poduzeća Cherry d.o.o., Josip Pećina iz Bjelovara, došao je na poduzetničku ideju ulaganja u plastenik za hidroponski uzgoj rajčice. Osim velike potražnje prednost vidi i u velikom uvozu rajčice u RH, stoga je cilj ovog poslovnog plana dokazati isplativost projekta ulaganja u ekološku proizvodnju rajčice. |
Abstract (english) | Business planning is an organized and logical selection of relevant information about a targeted venture, and its arrangement and analysis in order to minimize errors. A business plan is very important because it contains and highlights all the essential components of a business venture in one place. This paper is divided into two parts. In the first, theoretical part, key concepts such as: Business Plan, Planning, Investment Project, Economic and Financial Analysis, etc. are discussed and explained. In the second, practical part, we will design, analyze, and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the business plan based on the specific example of Cherry Ltd. As more and more people are turning to healthy lifestyles and the demand for healthy products is increasing, investor and owner of Cherry Ltd., Josip Pećina from Bjelovar has come up with the entrepreneurial idea of investing in a greenhouse for hydroponic tomato cultivation. In addition to high demand, it also sees an advantage in large imports of tomatoes in the Republic of Croatia, so the aim of this business plan is to prove the profitability of the project of investing in organic tomato production. |
Keywords |
Keywords (english) |
Language | croatian |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:112:156148 |
Study programme | Title: Professional study of Accounting Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |
Type of resource | Text |
File origin | Born digital |
Access conditions | Access restricted to students and staff of home institution |
Terms of use |  |
Created on | 2019-09-25 12:33:46 |